
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 4 - The Real World

Junior was thrilled to see his sister home again. She told him all the exciting things that happened at the university and that she graduated with all A's.
Cassandra went back to her chess table and got onto a mean winning streak. She felt great about life even though she didn't know what she was going to do for a career. But one of the chess matches changed her life. Roslyn was an officer at the police station and she mentioned to Cassandra that they're always looking for smart brave sims to join their ranks. From there a career was born.
The only thing missing in her life now was Scot. She invited him over to visit from college so they could spend time together.
And when Cassandra popped the question Scot eagerly agreed. It was one of the best moments in both their lives.
Scot moved in and left his most recent degree unfinished. He seemed happy...
They found a strange character investigating the house. Cassandra didn't feel safe so she decided to move into a new house. Junior refused to leave but insisted Cassandra start her own life. Junior ended up meeting a sweet girl named Christina.
Their new house was right on the ocean with an amazing view. Big enough to start a family without being cramped. Scot also joined the police career so they could afford the bigger place.
Of coarse it wasn't 100% safe. Cassandra caught a burglar trying to get into the house. Luckily she was high enough in her police career to catch the burglar and nothing was stolen.
It wasn't long before the couple was settled. They went through their everyday lives with very little contact with each other. Cassandra found it starnge that she never wanted to hang out with her fiance. She found herself daydreaming about other men. She even started flirting with Scot's partner German. Scot got quite jealous and they got into a heated argument.
But things didn't change. Scot was still unapproachable and Cassandra didn't feel like she was loved. She flirted with other men right under Scot's nose but Scot started ignoring it. Their relationship was going nowhere fast.


  1. ... you moved! I'm totally jealous. Maybe I should have my group move. Heard anything about the new Midnight Hollow town?

  2. Haven't been keeping up on the new towns. How does it look?
