
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 3 - College Party

It was no time before Cassandra headed back to college. With a new haircut and outfit she felt ready to take anything on.

She met many new people. She wasn't used to all the supernaturals but she quickly got to know them as individual sims instead of stereotypes. She also climbed the social group ladder and reached max influence with all three. Everyone told her she was friendly but she didn't believe it.

School was still very important. She took careful notes during class so she could get an A. But outside of class was a different story all together.

Cassandra was a real party-er. Almost every night she was out till one or two in the morning drinking and having fun. She got crazy when she was super juiced.

And she become inexplicably attracted to other women.

While sober her interest was in men. One in particular caught her eye. Cassandra knew Jeffery wasn't going anywhere so she told him she just wanted to be friends. He was ok with that and soon became one of Cassandra's best friends. Jeffery also introduced her to Scot. He was a real romantic and a great kisser. He wasn't afraid to show his affection for Cassandra and they quickly hit it off.

They could often be found cuddling in bed with each other, whispering sweet nothings and doing other dirtier deeds. Cassandra was truly happy but she knew eventually she'd have to go back to the real world and secretly wondered if Scot would fit into it.

And finally the day came that Cassandra graduated with all As. She invited all her friends to the graduation. There were many tears having to leave this amazing place with great people but her responsibilities at home were weighing heavy on her. She hoped Junior was actually doing alright alone.
The walk to her front door was filled with anticipation for the future. She realized she could accomplish anything, and anything worth accomplishing should be perfect. (perfectionist) Would Scot work out in the real world? Was there someone better for her out there? What was she going to do with her life? Stay tuned...


  1. Her outfit is great... I love that jacket. Is that from the Island Paradise clothes?

  2. Umm...good question. I'd have to check which expansion that came from lol
