
Friday, February 7, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 6 - Finding Happiness

Scot didn't want anything to do with Edgar. He decided that hiring a butler was the right way to go and Cassandra agreed that getting help was a good idea. They both thought hiring a female butler was safer than for their relationship so they picked Brandy. What they didn't know was that Brandy was a good looking MAN.
Once she got over the suprise of a guy named Brandy they got along very well. They had a lot in common; especially when in came to family. It wasn't long before Cassandra and Brandy fell in love.
Cassandra agonized over her relationship with the butler. What was she going to do about Scot? Finally she made a decision. During the middle of Scot's workday she texted him, "We just aren't meant to be. I know you feel the same way. I think it's best if we end it here before we hurt each other more." She pressed send and immediately a weight lifted off her shoulders. She was free.
Scot didn't feel the same. He got off work and looked at his text to find that his fiance dumped him. Not the best feeling ever. He never made it home; even to say goodbye to his son.
Cassandra didn't mind leaving Scot. She wasted no time proposing to Brandy who eagerly agreed. They started planning their wedding for the very next day.
It didn't go well. Cassandra invited all her friends...and before vows one of them died. If that wasn't bad enough after that Brandy couldn't be found. He had skipped the wedding leaving Cassandra at the alter.
It was the worst day ever. After everyone left she picked up Edgar, both of them crying, and whispered, "We'll make it. We have each other."
The doorbell rang. Cassandra answered it to find Brandy. He pleaded for her to forgive him; confessing his love and his stage fright. Cassandra forgave him and they had a private wedding right then and there. Brandy gave up being a butler and became a fireman.
Brandy was great with Edgar. He treated him like he was his own son.
And Edgar was very much loved by his mother. What Edgar didn't know was that he was going to share that love with two brothers.

Their first child's name was Russel.
And their second Richard.
Cassandra felt good about her life. She made a difference catching bad guys at work and found true love. They created an amazing family together. What more could she ask for?

Wow, Cassandra's life was full of drama. And it's not done yet!

1 comment:

  1. And with the butler! Scandalous! Also, she grew her hair out again. It looked so cute short though.
