
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 5 - Enter Edgar

As Cassandra got older she realized her life wasn't going the way she wanted it to. She bought herself an expensive car, paid for a makeover, cut her hair...anything to feel better about her life. None of it filled the hole. One day after an extremely stressful day at work she came home and pounced on Scot. It was the first time they woohooed since he moved in and apparently they didn't take the precautions that they should have...
When Cassandra got sick she thought she just had the stomach flu. But it was something much different. She was pregnant. Once she found out she found a bit of light in her life. She looked forward to having a child and secretly hoped for a boy.
She had a long talk with Scot about the pregnancy and their life together. Scot admitted that Cassandra was the only girl he'd ever been with; in his past he'd only been with other men. Even that his jealousy wasn't about Cassandra but that he had a secret crush on his partner German. He promised things would change and that he'd be a better man. Even that they'd go through with the marriage.
Cassandra was still doubtful so she invited her friends from the university to come visit and give her some advise. Sharon was the most helpful getting Cassandra out and getting some exorcise. Remembering the good times of her college years Cassandra had new hope for the future even if it didn't involve Scot.
Scot was there for her during her pregnancy and when Cassandra went into labor he drove her to the hospital.
And Edgar was born. Cassandra realized at that point Edgar needed a dad...and it didn't matter to her who he was. She didn't actually love Scot he was just convenient. She didn't know what she was going to do about it; all she knew is that she needed to do what was best for her little Edgar.

1 comment:

  1. That's... an awesome story. This guy knocked her up, but he's actually gay. Shit, now what? I love this. *sits on edge of seat*
