
Monday, February 10, 2014

Edgar Chapter 1 - Mean Streak

As a baby and toddler Edgar seemed normal. He loved his parents and they loved him. But when he became old enough they told him...Brandy was not his biological father. Edgar didn't take it well. He wanted to know who his father was and why he didn't come around. His mother didn't have an answer so Edgar assumed it was because of Brandy. His anger started small. He'd set traps for Brandy and mix concoctions that would make Brandy wet himself.
It got worse when he became a teenager. He got into a lot of trouble all around town and started failing school. Cassandra and Brandy didn't know what to do with him.
He argued with Brandy about everything. "You're not my dad," was something he said often. Brandy once asked him, "How did someone so angry come from a mother who is so sweet and loving?" Edgar's reply was to call Brandy's mom a llama.
Cassandra tried to reason with him but when she consoled Edgar and asked him to talk to her all she got was anger. She stopped asking after that and her relationship with her son wasn't hurt as much as it could have been. She didn't agree but she understood what Edgar must have been feeling.
When Edgar tried to beat Brandy up and failed Brandy had enough. He decided a vacation was needed and he took Cassandra out leaving Edgar to take care of his two little brothers. Brandy thought maybe that would teach Edgar some responsibility.
But instead Edgar through a teen party inviting all his classmates. While the cops were never called they did end up breaking every appliance that could be broken that night.
And his brothers were left to take care of themselves. Russel did as much as he could for his little brother Richard. They grew very close that weekend.
And Edgar found his first romance. His name was Dallas. They attended prom together and were virtually inseparable during Edgar's teen years. His attacks against Brandy stopped, he went to school again so his grades improved.
But then Cassandra died. Edgar was heartbroken and experiencing emotions he didn't know he had. He went out and bought himself a motorcycle for no reason.
He couldn't stay at home where his family were comforting each other. He couldn't be a part of that.
And finally his emotions boiled over leading to a confrontation with Brandy. Edgar felt so much better after the fight that he decided to stop caring completely. Without his mother's guidance he became a truly evil sim.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new background! I hope you're having fun with the evil sim!
