
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Founder - Lenny

Meet Lenny Acumen. More than anything he wants a secure future and to do that he needs simoleans. Lots of simoleans. (LTW Swimming in Cash)

If you were to ask his friends they would say he's a genius but lacks common sense. To make up for that he's extremely lucky. He is also a perfectionist who loves his money (frugal). The one thing he'll never admit but is truly his only downfall to being successful in money is that he's hopelessly romantic.


Lenny was in love with his high school sweetheart Ashley. She was crazy, fun, and super sexy. Lenny thought himself lucky that she liked him. But what he didn't know was she was just taking advantage of his romantic nature.

They lived in Bridgeport but Ashley wanted someplace quieter. Someplace she could relax (and party). Lenny didn't hesitate to offer his savings to move them to Isla Paradiso and buy a house. Ashley was ecstatic and as soon as they graduated they were off to the islands.

Everything turned sour once they got there. Ashley fell in love with some muscular tanned native that promised her endless adventure and amazing woohoo. She left Lenny with the house he bought and 20 simoleans in his pocket. Unable to return home Lenny sets out to find his wealth; and someone to mend his broken heart.

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