
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lenny Chapter 3 - Babies!

It wasn't Lenny who wanted to start a family right away but when Farrah mentioned wanting a child Lenny couldn't tell her no. Farrah glowed during her pregnancy.
Lenny was quite attentive to Farrah's needs. Doing things like cooking and giving her back rubs. They both secretly wanted a boy but didn't want to change the outcome too much.
So they ended up with a little girl they named Cassandra.
Not that they were upset. She was the cutest baby either had ever seen and they loved her to death. They could tell she was smart the way she examined the world around her. She also wasn't afraid of anything and slept right though the worst storm this area had ever seen.
They held a birthday party so everyone could see their pride and joy. The party (and Cassandra) was a great hit. Everyone loved the giggly girl.
Cassandra quickly learned to walk, talk, and use the potty all on her own. She also loved playing with her blocks and musical toy. She even showed an interest in reading!

For Halloween they dressed her up as a panda and took her to the fall festival. There they took a family photo, got their faces painted, and ate way too many hot dogs. Later in life Cassandra would say this was her first memory and it was a great one.
This was the point Lenny and Farrah decided to try for a second baby. This time they didn't leave the gender up to chance and Farrah researched how to have a boy. She learned that she needed to eat apples. So for the entire time she was trying to have a baby and she was pregnant she ate apples. Apple custard, apple pancakes and just regular apples off the tree. She got so tired of apples that to this day she refuses to eat them.
With all the interest on trying to get pregnate again they thought Cassandra might be feeling a bit ignored so they through another party for her inviting all their friends. Once again Cassandra was the star and loved all the attention. She did eventually get a little brother named Junior who she loved very much.
Junior was a sweet kid who noticed everything especially people's emotions. He had an uncanny ability to make anyone smile; especially his big sister.
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Cassandra loved her dad and Lenny loved her right back. He took special interest in her schooling and would tutor her on weekends. Cassandra caught on quick and soon got on the honor roll.
The only thing Lenny wasn't proud of was how much Cassandra loved to watch TV. She would sit there for hours staring at the screen until someone interrupted her.
So Lenny took her out to the park often so she could play outside without distractions. They also bought her a laptop hoping she would put her creative mind to work writing. She did dink around with it for awhile but it didn't hold her interest for long.
Cassandra checking under the bed for monsters. She did this almost every night especially under her parent's bed. She worried for them.

Junior loved his big sister. They would have pillow fights and stay up all night chatting. Lenny liked to think it was because of his excellent parenting skills.
 Junior had a habit of picking up small critters and keeping them in his pocket. They always escaped; roaming around the house and making Farrah scream.

Getting Lenny and Farrah to want kids wasn't hard. Farrah had the wish to have a child with Lenny and it didn't oppose to any of Lenny's wishes. They both popped the wish to have a boy when she started to show that didn't go away after their first child because she was a girl so that gave me the excuse to have a second child. They had children so late in their adult life that they turned into elders while Junior was still a baby.

1 comment:

  1. It's a perfect cake! Just add baby! I loved these pics. Keep'em coming.
