
Friday, January 10, 2014

Lenny Chapter 1 - The Single Life

 Lenny was not eager to get out there and start dating after Ashley. Instead he drowned his sorrows in drink. This didn't make him happy, but at least it didn't hurt him like Ashley did.
Soon Lenny realized he needed a job. He was slowly drinking his 20 simoleans away. In the paper he noticed an opening for "organ donor". "I have extra organs to give away!" Lenny thought. This was the beginning of his recovery. He didn't realize it then but the medical field was exactly what he wanted and needed to get back on his feet both emotionally and financially.
And at work he met Perstephanie. She was funny, smart, and flirty. When she invited him to the art gallery after their shift he thought it was a date and made his move.
She was sweet and kissed him back, but than broke his heart telling him that she had a husband and children. This was not a date just two people hanging out at the art gallery. Once again Lenny was left alone and sad. This time instead of delving into drink he put all his effort into his job and quickly become a gene therapist.
Not too long after that Lenny met the roller coaster Hinni. She was super hot and just as romantic as Lenny. They hit it off immediately and kept swapping flowers back and forth. She looked like the one.

But Hinni had a dark past. Her ex-boyfriend was a control freak and abusive. Lenny couldn't bare watching Hinni go though all that pain and told her to just stop seeing her ex. Hinni agreed but couldn't stay away. She got back with her ex and they got married after he got her pregnant. Lenny tried to save her but she didn't want to be saved.
Lenny turned to his best friend for advise. After telling him the whole story his friend exclaimed, "Dude! Take a chill pill. She'll find you when the time is right." Lenny knew he was right. It took time but Lenny learned to be ok with being alone.
He started reading and writing a blog. He took up crafts like pumpkin carving. He was finally happy exactly where he was.
Next time....

 Lenny had the worst luck with women. They loved him but they were all taken! I used the "ask to break up with sim" interaction countless times but he never wanted to go steady so they just ended up hooking up with someone else. (I'm using a story progression mod) It was true that Lenny went from depressed all the time to being happy as his career advanced.

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