
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lenny Chapter 4 - Swimming in Cash

Because of his attentiveness early in life before getting married and having children Lenny quickly went up the medical career ladder. That really helped bring in the big bucks that would eventually satisfy his lifetime wish of having 50,000 simoleans.

Lenny got along with everyone. During his vaccinations he got to know the entire town. This also helped him get to the top of the career track. He was the youngest world renowned surgeon in history.

And he always loved Farrah. Even when they both got old and grey. He succeeded in  his lifetime wish the day after his birthday but he didn't want to retire. He worked at the hospital till the day he died.

This is the last chapter of Lenny. I will be starting the story with Cassandra as a teenager. Lenny was easy to please once he started bringing in the simoleans. I loved playing with him and telling his story. Now onto his beautiful daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Aww... they are cute and old together! We'll miss you Lenny!
