
Monday, February 10, 2014

Edgar Chapter 1 - Mean Streak

As a baby and toddler Edgar seemed normal. He loved his parents and they loved him. But when he became old enough they told him...Brandy was not his biological father. Edgar didn't take it well. He wanted to know who his father was and why he didn't come around. His mother didn't have an answer so Edgar assumed it was because of Brandy. His anger started small. He'd set traps for Brandy and mix concoctions that would make Brandy wet himself.
It got worse when he became a teenager. He got into a lot of trouble all around town and started failing school. Cassandra and Brandy didn't know what to do with him.
He argued with Brandy about everything. "You're not my dad," was something he said often. Brandy once asked him, "How did someone so angry come from a mother who is so sweet and loving?" Edgar's reply was to call Brandy's mom a llama.
Cassandra tried to reason with him but when she consoled Edgar and asked him to talk to her all she got was anger. She stopped asking after that and her relationship with her son wasn't hurt as much as it could have been. She didn't agree but she understood what Edgar must have been feeling.
When Edgar tried to beat Brandy up and failed Brandy had enough. He decided a vacation was needed and he took Cassandra out leaving Edgar to take care of his two little brothers. Brandy thought maybe that would teach Edgar some responsibility.
But instead Edgar through a teen party inviting all his classmates. While the cops were never called they did end up breaking every appliance that could be broken that night.
And his brothers were left to take care of themselves. Russel did as much as he could for his little brother Richard. They grew very close that weekend.
And Edgar found his first romance. His name was Dallas. They attended prom together and were virtually inseparable during Edgar's teen years. His attacks against Brandy stopped, he went to school again so his grades improved.
But then Cassandra died. Edgar was heartbroken and experiencing emotions he didn't know he had. He went out and bought himself a motorcycle for no reason.
He couldn't stay at home where his family were comforting each other. He couldn't be a part of that.
And finally his emotions boiled over leading to a confrontation with Brandy. Edgar felt so much better after the fight that he decided to stop caring completely. Without his mother's guidance he became a truly evil sim.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Heir Choice

I'm struggling to choose which of Cassandra's boys will be the heir. The two oldest are in the running.

This is (not the best picture of) Edgar. His traits are genius, irresistible, athletic, and hot headed. When he turns into an adult he will also get evil. When he goes to university I'll probably pick up charismatic as well. His lifetime wish is to be the emperor of evil. At first he was my snap pick because...well...look how much fun he can be! But then I found out he's gay...which makes getting an heir more difficult. He might end up being bi-sexual which would work out...

This is Russel. He's genius, brave, social butterfly, and virtuoso. As an adult he'll get...something I haven't decided yet but probably charismatic. His lifetime wish is to be a star anchor. He would play out much like any other sim which is the reason to choose him. Also he's Brandy's son instead of Scot's.

Both are interesting choices and I will probably play both for quite some time. I just need to decide which one the story will center around. I think Edgar's story will be more interesting but I really do like Russel. It's tough. Which would you rather read about?

Oh and I'm changing the way I'm picking traits. At first I was using genius as a family trait but after two generations I'm already bored of it. So now I'm picking two traits; one from the mother and one from the father. The others will be random. (except for the extra university traits. I still pick those). This will make my sims more dynamic, interesting and organic. I will start with this generation's children. That is all.

...That is not all...the game is glitching on me and I may have to move towns. I'm of two minds about this. On the one side I haven't been playing them very long so it won't mess up the family tree too much but on the town is alive and they have friends and boyfriends and stuff. Well if I have to I have to.

Cassandra Chapter 7 - A Life Unfulfilled

As Cassandra grew older she tried to finish her lifetime wish of being a chess master but apparently she wasn't good enough. She never retired from her job but she didn't get to master that either. The only bright spot in her life were her boys. She led a roller coaster life with many ups and downs and in the end she was left unfulfilled.

She died at 93 with her family surrounding her. She begged the grim reaper not to take her. She wanted to watch her boys grow up into adults and have children of their own. But it wasn't meant to be and the reaper took her leaving Brandy to care for her family.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 6 - Finding Happiness

Scot didn't want anything to do with Edgar. He decided that hiring a butler was the right way to go and Cassandra agreed that getting help was a good idea. They both thought hiring a female butler was safer than for their relationship so they picked Brandy. What they didn't know was that Brandy was a good looking MAN.
Once she got over the suprise of a guy named Brandy they got along very well. They had a lot in common; especially when in came to family. It wasn't long before Cassandra and Brandy fell in love.
Cassandra agonized over her relationship with the butler. What was she going to do about Scot? Finally she made a decision. During the middle of Scot's workday she texted him, "We just aren't meant to be. I know you feel the same way. I think it's best if we end it here before we hurt each other more." She pressed send and immediately a weight lifted off her shoulders. She was free.
Scot didn't feel the same. He got off work and looked at his text to find that his fiance dumped him. Not the best feeling ever. He never made it home; even to say goodbye to his son.
Cassandra didn't mind leaving Scot. She wasted no time proposing to Brandy who eagerly agreed. They started planning their wedding for the very next day.
It didn't go well. Cassandra invited all her friends...and before vows one of them died. If that wasn't bad enough after that Brandy couldn't be found. He had skipped the wedding leaving Cassandra at the alter.
It was the worst day ever. After everyone left she picked up Edgar, both of them crying, and whispered, "We'll make it. We have each other."
The doorbell rang. Cassandra answered it to find Brandy. He pleaded for her to forgive him; confessing his love and his stage fright. Cassandra forgave him and they had a private wedding right then and there. Brandy gave up being a butler and became a fireman.
Brandy was great with Edgar. He treated him like he was his own son.
And Edgar was very much loved by his mother. What Edgar didn't know was that he was going to share that love with two brothers.

Their first child's name was Russel.
And their second Richard.
Cassandra felt good about her life. She made a difference catching bad guys at work and found true love. They created an amazing family together. What more could she ask for?

Wow, Cassandra's life was full of drama. And it's not done yet!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 5 - Enter Edgar

As Cassandra got older she realized her life wasn't going the way she wanted it to. She bought herself an expensive car, paid for a makeover, cut her hair...anything to feel better about her life. None of it filled the hole. One day after an extremely stressful day at work she came home and pounced on Scot. It was the first time they woohooed since he moved in and apparently they didn't take the precautions that they should have...
When Cassandra got sick she thought she just had the stomach flu. But it was something much different. She was pregnant. Once she found out she found a bit of light in her life. She looked forward to having a child and secretly hoped for a boy.
She had a long talk with Scot about the pregnancy and their life together. Scot admitted that Cassandra was the only girl he'd ever been with; in his past he'd only been with other men. Even that his jealousy wasn't about Cassandra but that he had a secret crush on his partner German. He promised things would change and that he'd be a better man. Even that they'd go through with the marriage.
Cassandra was still doubtful so she invited her friends from the university to come visit and give her some advise. Sharon was the most helpful getting Cassandra out and getting some exorcise. Remembering the good times of her college years Cassandra had new hope for the future even if it didn't involve Scot.
Scot was there for her during her pregnancy and when Cassandra went into labor he drove her to the hospital.
And Edgar was born. Cassandra realized at that point Edgar needed a dad...and it didn't matter to her who he was. She didn't actually love Scot he was just convenient. She didn't know what she was going to do about it; all she knew is that she needed to do what was best for her little Edgar.

Cassandra Chapter 4 - The Real World

Junior was thrilled to see his sister home again. She told him all the exciting things that happened at the university and that she graduated with all A's.
Cassandra went back to her chess table and got onto a mean winning streak. She felt great about life even though she didn't know what she was going to do for a career. But one of the chess matches changed her life. Roslyn was an officer at the police station and she mentioned to Cassandra that they're always looking for smart brave sims to join their ranks. From there a career was born.
The only thing missing in her life now was Scot. She invited him over to visit from college so they could spend time together.
And when Cassandra popped the question Scot eagerly agreed. It was one of the best moments in both their lives.
Scot moved in and left his most recent degree unfinished. He seemed happy...
They found a strange character investigating the house. Cassandra didn't feel safe so she decided to move into a new house. Junior refused to leave but insisted Cassandra start her own life. Junior ended up meeting a sweet girl named Christina.
Their new house was right on the ocean with an amazing view. Big enough to start a family without being cramped. Scot also joined the police career so they could afford the bigger place.
Of coarse it wasn't 100% safe. Cassandra caught a burglar trying to get into the house. Luckily she was high enough in her police career to catch the burglar and nothing was stolen.
It wasn't long before the couple was settled. They went through their everyday lives with very little contact with each other. Cassandra found it starnge that she never wanted to hang out with her fiance. She found herself daydreaming about other men. She even started flirting with Scot's partner German. Scot got quite jealous and they got into a heated argument.
But things didn't change. Scot was still unapproachable and Cassandra didn't feel like she was loved. She flirted with other men right under Scot's nose but Scot started ignoring it. Their relationship was going nowhere fast.