
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 3 - College Party

It was no time before Cassandra headed back to college. With a new haircut and outfit she felt ready to take anything on.

She met many new people. She wasn't used to all the supernaturals but she quickly got to know them as individual sims instead of stereotypes. She also climbed the social group ladder and reached max influence with all three. Everyone told her she was friendly but she didn't believe it.

School was still very important. She took careful notes during class so she could get an A. But outside of class was a different story all together.

Cassandra was a real party-er. Almost every night she was out till one or two in the morning drinking and having fun. She got crazy when she was super juiced.

And she become inexplicably attracted to other women.

While sober her interest was in men. One in particular caught her eye. Cassandra knew Jeffery wasn't going anywhere so she told him she just wanted to be friends. He was ok with that and soon became one of Cassandra's best friends. Jeffery also introduced her to Scot. He was a real romantic and a great kisser. He wasn't afraid to show his affection for Cassandra and they quickly hit it off.

They could often be found cuddling in bed with each other, whispering sweet nothings and doing other dirtier deeds. Cassandra was truly happy but she knew eventually she'd have to go back to the real world and secretly wondered if Scot would fit into it.

And finally the day came that Cassandra graduated with all As. She invited all her friends to the graduation. There were many tears having to leave this amazing place with great people but her responsibilities at home were weighing heavy on her. She hoped Junior was actually doing alright alone.
The walk to her front door was filled with anticipation for the future. She realized she could accomplish anything, and anything worth accomplishing should be perfect. (perfectionist) Would Scot work out in the real world? Was there someone better for her out there? What was she going to do with her life? Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 2 - First Semester

Junior didn't like the idea of holding Cassandra back so he told her to continue with her plans. He'd be alright. So Cassandra listened and it was off to college. She didn't have to try hard to get good grades like her peers. Working hard in class and sucking up to the teachers seem to work out well for her. That gave her quite a bit of free time to socialize.
She usually got along great with people, but not with Jacob. He was mean spirited and a bully and he didn't like computers! (And what kind of a person hates computers?) So Cassandra called him out; even going so far as to say his mother was a llama. They tried to avoid each other but they almost always ended up at the same parties.
And whose party was that? Jeffery Dean's; the local rebel. He really liked Cassandra and was always putting the moves on her. They didn't have much in common but he was hot.
So when someone dared her to kiss him she went for it. He really was a great kisser!

One thing led to another...and she started daydreaming about having his kids. Was Jeffery the one for her? Only time would tell.

 Cassandra not only aced her classes for the first semester but she got on the dean's list. Feeling quite proud of herself she went back home for a short break than headed back to school to finish her technology degree. While at home she invited the next ranked chess master over to see how she'd stand up. She was beaten. Bad. Three times. It didn't look good but Cassandra didn't want to give up on her dream just yet. She would play more chess and read more books until she could live her dream.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Cassandra Chapter 1 - Learning to say Goodbye

Lenny taught Cassandra to drive during her first weekend from school. At first she was nervous and stressed but Lenny quickly showed her the ropes and she was driving like a champ in no time.
School was something Cassandra took very seriously. She did her homework every night and soon got on the honor roll. Her parents were proud.

Cassandra's high school crush was Javier. Her family didn't like him but he had Cassandra wrapped around his little finger. "I want to be with you! I just can't...right now" should have been his catch phrase. Mostly it was that he was affectionate and loving when they were alone but in groups he'd snub her.

Cassandra went stag to prom. She was crowned queen but her happiness was dashed when she asked Javier to dance with her and he walked away laughing. Than she spotted him with some other girl. She had enough.

She finally stood up for herself to Javier. She told him she was better than what he was willing to give "right now". He pleaded with her but she was firm.
And then Farrah died at 91. At first the family was sad; especially Lenny. But then they got a little bit crazy...

Cassandra started playing in leaves while Lenny was singing in the rain. They were an odd pair. Junior just drew into himself.
Than finally...graduation day! Cassandra was excited! She already had plans at the university and felt confident about her future. She was valedictorian and voted the most likely to have a large family. She laughed at that one.
But then...halfway though the graduation our beloved Lenny passed away. Apparently he was holding on until he could watch his little baby walk across the stage for her diploma. Luckily their last name starts with A so he didn't have to wait long. He was 94. This put a real damper on Cassandra's plans. Now she had to think about her brother Junior who was still in high school.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Heir - Cassandra

This is the beautiful Cassandra Acumen. All her life she's loved chess and the logic behind it. Her lifetime wish is to be a chess legend.

Cassandra has been perceptive all her life. Lenny would say she never missed anything with her big blue eyes. Like both her parents she was extremely smart (genius). She wasn't afraid of anything; not of monsters under the bed or going off to college by herself (brave). She did have a tendency to watch a bit too much TV or spend hours in front of the computer (couch potato). Lastly, her friendship with her parents and younger brother made her quite family-oriented.

You can download her in the exchange.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lenny Chapter 4 - Swimming in Cash

Because of his attentiveness early in life before getting married and having children Lenny quickly went up the medical career ladder. That really helped bring in the big bucks that would eventually satisfy his lifetime wish of having 50,000 simoleans.

Lenny got along with everyone. During his vaccinations he got to know the entire town. This also helped him get to the top of the career track. He was the youngest world renowned surgeon in history.

And he always loved Farrah. Even when they both got old and grey. He succeeded in  his lifetime wish the day after his birthday but he didn't want to retire. He worked at the hospital till the day he died.

This is the last chapter of Lenny. I will be starting the story with Cassandra as a teenager. Lenny was easy to please once he started bringing in the simoleans. I loved playing with him and telling his story. Now onto his beautiful daughter.

Lenny Chapter 3 - Babies!

It wasn't Lenny who wanted to start a family right away but when Farrah mentioned wanting a child Lenny couldn't tell her no. Farrah glowed during her pregnancy.
Lenny was quite attentive to Farrah's needs. Doing things like cooking and giving her back rubs. They both secretly wanted a boy but didn't want to change the outcome too much.
So they ended up with a little girl they named Cassandra.
Not that they were upset. She was the cutest baby either had ever seen and they loved her to death. They could tell she was smart the way she examined the world around her. She also wasn't afraid of anything and slept right though the worst storm this area had ever seen.
They held a birthday party so everyone could see their pride and joy. The party (and Cassandra) was a great hit. Everyone loved the giggly girl.
Cassandra quickly learned to walk, talk, and use the potty all on her own. She also loved playing with her blocks and musical toy. She even showed an interest in reading!

For Halloween they dressed her up as a panda and took her to the fall festival. There they took a family photo, got their faces painted, and ate way too many hot dogs. Later in life Cassandra would say this was her first memory and it was a great one.
This was the point Lenny and Farrah decided to try for a second baby. This time they didn't leave the gender up to chance and Farrah researched how to have a boy. She learned that she needed to eat apples. So for the entire time she was trying to have a baby and she was pregnant she ate apples. Apple custard, apple pancakes and just regular apples off the tree. She got so tired of apples that to this day she refuses to eat them.
With all the interest on trying to get pregnate again they thought Cassandra might be feeling a bit ignored so they through another party for her inviting all their friends. Once again Cassandra was the star and loved all the attention. She did eventually get a little brother named Junior who she loved very much.
Junior was a sweet kid who noticed everything especially people's emotions. He had an uncanny ability to make anyone smile; especially his big sister.
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Cassandra loved her dad and Lenny loved her right back. He took special interest in her schooling and would tutor her on weekends. Cassandra caught on quick and soon got on the honor roll.
The only thing Lenny wasn't proud of was how much Cassandra loved to watch TV. She would sit there for hours staring at the screen until someone interrupted her.
So Lenny took her out to the park often so she could play outside without distractions. They also bought her a laptop hoping she would put her creative mind to work writing. She did dink around with it for awhile but it didn't hold her interest for long.
Cassandra checking under the bed for monsters. She did this almost every night especially under her parent's bed. She worried for them.

Junior loved his big sister. They would have pillow fights and stay up all night chatting. Lenny liked to think it was because of his excellent parenting skills.
 Junior had a habit of picking up small critters and keeping them in his pocket. They always escaped; roaming around the house and making Farrah scream.

Getting Lenny and Farrah to want kids wasn't hard. Farrah had the wish to have a child with Lenny and it didn't oppose to any of Lenny's wishes. They both popped the wish to have a boy when she started to show that didn't go away after their first child because she was a girl so that gave me the excuse to have a second child. They had children so late in their adult life that they turned into elders while Junior was still a baby.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Lenny Chapter 2 - The Summer of Farrah

As Lenny got older he grew more and more impatient for his family life to start. On his birthday he started his midlife crisis. During this time he got a tattoo and would flirt with any girl he found; even if he didn't find them attractive.
But one good thing came out of his crisis. He met Farrah. She was a bit strange but also smart and she thought the world of Lenny. After Lenny's crisis he was still thinking about her and wanted to spend time with her. He knew he wanted to be with Farrah for the rest of his life.
So after a big romantic dinner Lenny asked Farrah to marry him. She happily said, "yes!" than agreed to move in with him. It was a happy day for both of them

Things quickly became normal at the Acumen house once Farrah moved in. Lenny learned that Farrah's dream was to be a stylist but she was worried about how'd she make enough simoleans to survive. Lenny just smiled, "Don't worry about it hon. You should follow your dreams!"
And so she did. She quit her old job and became a stylist. Painting became a passion of hers as did street art. She realized moving in with Lenny was the best thing she ever did.
The one topic that kept coming up was their wedding plans. Farrah was becoming obsessed with all the details (especially her dress) Finally Lenny exclaimed, "I want to marry you! Lets just set a date and do it!" So they did.
Lenny invited all his friends to his bachelor party. Someone even got him twin dancers to ease his stress. It was an epic party that the whole town loved. Everyone liked Lenny and wanted him to be happy.
Practically the whole town showed up to their wedding. They had it in their yard renting the arch and chairs. It was a beautiful ceremony and even the weather behaved.
Farrah did find her perfect dress. Fluffy with ruffles but slinky as well. Their first dance as a married couple.
Farrah also added a woman's touch to the house. This is before.
And after

I took quite a bit of creative license with wishes to make this happen. Lenny wanted to increase his charisma skill, so I sent him on a big date with Farrah that ended with him going steady with her (that's what satisfied the wish) Than I used my free day to propose marriage. He wanted her to move in before getting married so that happened as well. The hard part is finally least until the next generation.