
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Edgar Chapter 3 - Love?

Love was in the air and the only person willing to consciously take advantage of it was Richard. He courted a beautiful girl named Alyssa and they married right out of high school.
Shantell wasn't looking for love, but rather lust. She took her time and made Edgar completely swoon over her. This was very much unlike Edgar to want someone as much as he wanted her...especially because she was a woman. Shantell's plan fell right into place.
And in no time she was pregnant with Edgar's child. What wasn't planned were her feelings for Edgar. She planned to go back to the future with his child but she couldn't get herself to go.

Edgar was not thrilled about being a dad. It completely through him for a loop.

But once his son Percy was born Edgar found a few reasons to be happy. No one questioned it when Percy ended up being evil...but the one thing Edgar didn't expect was Shantell. He found he loved her very much and asked her to marry him.
Shantell agreed. Before the wedding she confessed her evil plans to Edgar. She was going to get pregnate by him and that take the child to the future where his decendents are rich and powerful and demand payment. When they did genetic tests there would be no denying which family Percy belonged to and Shantell would be rich. Edgar applauded her for her genius.
And they married in their backyard surrounded by family and friends. Something neither of them expected to want.

Even Percy had a great time.
The family of three moved into a private island mansion.
It was a small island but Shantell loved taking Percy to the beach to play in the water. Shantell and Edgar were happy with their family for now...but would it last?

 They both popped the wish to marry each other after Percy was born so I happily agreed. With a family of evil genius' though...I don't think the happiness will last long.

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